SMARTS Traffic Simulator

From Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités

SMARTS Scalable Microscopic Adaptive Road Traffic Simulator

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Smarts traffic simulator.gif

SMARTS (Scalable Microscopic Adaptive Road Traffic Simulator) is a flexible microscopic traffic simulator developed at the School of Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne. The project is funded by the Australian Research Council (DP180103332 and DP130103705). The simulator allows easy setup of simulations based on OpenStreetMap data. The simulator can run as a standalone program. It can also run as a distributed system for fast large-scale (in excess of 500, 000 vehicles using 40 computing nodes) simulations. The microscopic simulator model vehicles and traffic lights individually. Various road rules and driver behaviour are implemented into SMARTS. The simulator can output various traffic data. It provides a graphical user interface for controlling and visualizing simulations. It also supports scripted simulations.

Source :

Organizations using or interested in using the resource:


Tags: trafic, simulator, OSM, TwizyContest, hackathon

Categories: Logiciel, Données

Theme: Open Street Map OSM, Urbanisme et ville, Logiciel Libre, Collectivité


Challenge: Accompagner une collectivité à ouvrir un maximum de ressources et construire un kit d'aide à l'innovation, Augmenter les connaissances partagées en cartographie et usages des véhicules et réseaux de transports, Faciliter le partage la gestion la maintenance la comptabilité des émissions polluantes et de GES des véhicules, Maximiser les usages de l'espace public (personne et marchandise)

Key people to solicit:

Other related common: SUMO

Wealth sought:

Required skills:

Community of interest: Communauté du Logiciel Libre, Communauté des Territoires et Collectivités

License: GNU Affero General Public License

Terms of Service (TOS):

Level of development:

Link to my actions board:

Link to my cloud, wiki, drive…:


Next step: Tester, évaluer le logiciel dans un cas d'usage

Documentation of the experimentations:

Other informations

List of the actors using or willing of using this common: aucun pour le moment

List of the workshop reports related to this common: