Podcast & Audio
From Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités
Short description: Add here your best Podcasts !
Description: Podcasts from Augustin Friedel
- Autonocast : autonomous driving developments: https://open.spotify.com/show/2JtCxHtz7fPrkQfxOIj0qX?si=2vVFl9jxRFCJu8-Tzwlhww&_branch_match_id=849930071401765426
- Micromobility : https://open.spotify.com/show/1G2fPNzUw5mo5asaCoH7O0?si=fJmzIgGIT9eIioUQjyTpLw&_branch_match_id=849930071401765426
- Smarter Cars - future of Mobility, from micro to AD by Michele Kyrouz : https://open.spotify.com/show/3xMstX3P0LF96ULfqeY1vM?si=pgOv8-TNQ0Wj3CqcFIA53Q&_branch_match_id=849930071401765426
- The Mobility Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/68zQEi2D0necEklxvL4CjD?si=3Hb_rrlbQYy_RwT68TyHqw&_branch_match_id=849930071401765426
- No parking - Alex Roy cutting through the AD hype: https://noparkingpodcast.com/
- MaaS Alliance: https://soundcloud.com/user-94824980
- Streets Ahead - focus on active mobility & urban planning: https://open.spotify.com/show/6XtPzUALFqmUlvE4mcGm90?si=flRxgGHPS-68g89XV6mOKQ&_branch_match_id=849930071401765426
- Leaders in Cleantech : https://leadersincleantech.com/
- Copenhagen's Cycle superhighways : https://overcast.fm/+IbQNxE9QQ
- She drives Mobility : https://overcast.fm/+Rj_tZ4V-w
- Lost in Transportation : https://podcast.ausha.co/lost-in-transportation
- Metropolitan Mobility Podcast : https://geertkloppenburg.nl/category/podcast/
- Mobtr, Ré-inventons les mobilités : https://medium.com/mobtr
- The War on Cars : https://waroncars.libsyn.com/
Tags: podcast, audio
Theme: Voiture Connectée, Vélo et Mobilités Actives, Navettes autonomes, Traces de mobilité et des données associées, Covoiturage quotidien, Urbanisme et ville, Stationnement
Challenge(s) related to this knowledge: Faire progresser la FabMob
Community of interest: Communauté des Ecoles et Etudiants, Communauté des acteurs de l'urbanisme et de la ville, Communauté Voiture Connectée, Communauté Vélo et Mobilités Actives, Les fabricants d'imaginaires de la mobilité
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