Minutes of 1st Roundtable Open Source Shared Mobility

De Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités
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Description en une ligne : DFKI (German Research Center on IA) and VW foundation launch OS Lab who aims to create a platform for research and discussion about open source

Description : ...


DFKI (German Research Center on IA) and VW foundation launch OS Lab who aims to create a platform for research and discussion about open source : https://opensourcelab.dfki.de/

“The Open Source Lab aims to unravel and explore possibilities for creating a more livable and sustainable future that is open to everyone”

At november 27 the Open Source Lab organizes its first roundtable in light of the question „What emerges in the overlap of ‘shared mobility’ and an ‘open source’ approach?“. With a great group of experts from different fields, we are going to discuss future concepts of mobility at the intersection between shared mobility concepts and open source potentials. Afterwards, we are looking forward to welcoming everyone for our first Get Together!

Event on FabMob wiki

Open source & Shared Mobility

  1. open source shared mobility
  2. open source emission free
  3. open source access

Discussion around “Public transport no longer authority controlled but a self sustained bottom-up, community based system ?”

  • open source tracker, self data
  • who own the data ?
  • question of business model

Discussion about “How to aggregate ?”

  • stefan is working on a dynamic route optimisation for a group person
  • discussing about Chinese social score => project of mobility account
  • projects about gamification for behavior changes (streetlife EU project)
  • need to have collective target in the city in complement of individual way to understand and act differently
  • Is there a place for constraint acceptability and collective objectives like CO2 ?

We need place to experiment personal behavior change, to experiment design of constraints/rewards

We need to engage media in theses experimentations

Discussion about “simulation of parameter’s interaction”

  • exist tool for simulation in Berlin (TUB),
  • based on Sustainable Dev Goals of the city,

What is the key point of the open source lab ? the added value ? (considering the size of the ecosystem and the problems)

  • create synergies between stakeholders with different approachs,
  • identify key missing open resource needed by several stakeholders : what do you today that we should do tegether ?

Main points

  • how can use existing infra and dynamic like fabmob, open knowledge, …
  • social inclusive part
  • behavior, change , goals,
  • communication and goal of the lab
  • data : classification,
  • standard for data, for API

FabMob proposition


Evénement lié : Roundtable Open Source Shared Mobility
Organisations impliquées : DFKI, VW, Open Knowledge Foundation, TU Berlin, German Centre for Aviation and Space Travel, Fraunhofer
Contributeurs : Gabriel Plassat
Tags : Berlin, Euref
Thème : Open HardWare, Données ouvertes, Logiciel Libre
Animateur Atelier : EBERT Julia, Gesche Joost
Défi lié à l'Atelier : Améliorer les solutions et développer de nouvelles solutions de mobilités pour tous
Commun(s) impliqué(s) : Kit Minimal pour créer gérer partager des traces de Mobilité, Véhicule Open Source pour la formation et l'éducation

Actions décidées par les participants : Convaincre une ou plusieurs parties prenantes de s'engager dans un projet, Créer une nouvelle communauté, Expérimenter / Implémenter un produit/service dans un contexte/territoire précis

Espace d'échange CHAT : https://chat.fabmob.io/channel/0-german_opensource_lab

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