Evénement lié : Kick-off Challenge Boitier Connecté Open Source
Contributeurs : Majdi
Tags : Open, hardware, bus, image, recognition
Thème : Open HardWare, Accessibilité dans les transports, Logiciel Libre
Défi lié à l'Atelier : Augmenter les connaissances partagées en cartographie et usages des véhicules et réseaux de transports
Commun(s) impliqué(s) : Boitier Connecté Open Source
Communauté(s) d'intérêt impliquée(s) : Communauté autour de l'accessibilité dans les transports
Personnes clés à solliciter : Majdi Toumi
Actions décidées par les participants : Expérimenter / Implémenter un produit/service dans un contexte/territoire précis
Espace d'échange FORUM : majdi@mhirba.com
Espace d'échange CHAT : https://chat.fabmob.io/direct/majdi
Prochaine Etape : The MVP is ready and connected to our Scaleway servers. There are the main next steps:
- Transfer and have the algorithm run on the board in real-time
- Optimize the algorithm to cover more cases
- Finally, test it in real conditions!
Autres informations :
The goal is to be able to process these data via our algorithm and to provide additional information to cities and knowledge hub in order to visualize passenger habits. It's a student group that had never played with IoT before!
Cindy De La Fuente Virginie Cornu Jeremy Nohile Thibault Perraudin Thomas Pelfrene
And me (Majdi Toumi) as mentors.
For this project, we imagined that our device will be placed in a standard Parisian bus composed of two doors, one at the front, the other one in the middle. So the camera would be positioned above each door and will detect people coming in or out of the bus while the separation of the areas would be delimited by the doors
Read more about this project here: https://medium.com/open-hardware [ IoT car connected ]