FabMob Open Challenge
From Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités
Actions[edit | edit source]
=> Contribute to the Challenges & Open Resources
Overview[edit | edit source]
- Objective : To solve by quick experimentations urban issues expressed by several cities and industrials partners.
- Why:
- because many challenges are still impacting our society : pollution, congestion, oil dependancy, inclusivity …
- because Mobility is not the Web ! we need to work together. City, Hardware are as important as datas
- because no stakeholder alone has the solution ! the ecosystem must progress with a shared and common culture of innovation.
- How :
- Identify common challenges with cities and industrial partners,
- Work with partners to propose open resources used during the Open Challenge : data, soft, hardware, fablab, skills...
- Build projects on Open Resources in order to mutualise, go faster, reinforce open resources, work with partners and deliver new product or service,
- Be inspired by Challenges Open Source lead by Udacity, and Open HArdware Hackathon.
- Open Resources already available :
- our commons database !
- Hardware :
- Vehicles (Open Twizy, FaradayMotion, XYT , MIT Tricycle, Gazelle Tech or BeeBee...),
- Open source connected box, XEE box with 2 or 3 box with access to data & API
- Autopilot : http://www.neodriven.com/, https://github.com/commaai/openpilot, https://polysync.io/
- Software :
- Genivi (Remote Vehicle Interaction project: )
- Kisio with Navitia,
- Nokia with its Innovation Platform
- PSA Connected Car Development https://developer.psa-peugeot-citroen.com/node/
- IoTivitiy : https://www.slideshare.net/SamsungOSG/iotivity-for-automotive-iot-interoperability
- FabLab,
- data : Etalab, Navitia, Catalogue
- City for experimentation
- Place for co-creation : Square for example
- Replication in others countries : via AFD, CODATU / Mobilise your city
- Communication and worlwide vision with Challenge Bibendum Michelin in Montréal now called Movin'On (13-15 Juin 2017)
- Co-creation 'animation : Stigmergie
- (option) Team building composed by several skills : engineer, designer, business, researcher, city advisor
Next Steps[edit | edit source]
- With motivated partners, identification of several challenges in line with FabMob and open resources available. Workshop proposition.
- Challenge examples :
- Improve urban logistic,
- Car sharing solution with low speed vehicle http://theconversation.com/in-china-low-speed-electric-vehicles-are-driving-high-speed-urbanisation-70246
- Provide better mobility solutions for rural areas,
- ...
- Based on challenges identified : Call to bring open resources, sponsors and communication
- Challenge :
- Challenges presentation with main partners : Renault, Michelin, Transdev, Kisio, Engie, ...
- 3 months for pre-projects answering the issues and using several open resources,
- Pitch, Selection => 3 projects will be supported by FabMob and partners during one year with experimentation in cities, replication, business models and industrial development.
- (to be completed) funding of selected project and/or open resources produced ?
Benefits for partners[edit | edit source]
For industrial partners :
- identification of open resource, improvment of open resources by external contributors : open innovation inside real project,
- exploration of new markets in several country via open resources,
- connexion with large ecosystem,
- benefits of feedbacks from all projects,
For entrepreneurs and startups :
- Access to open resources (data, soft and harware)
- Benefit from project support and global advisors,
- Connect to extended ecosystems,
- Implement open innovation projects,
- Benefit from feedback from all projects,
- Improve your open resources,
- Receive co-financing
For cities :
- Experiment solutions in your city,
- Connect to the ecosystem.
For labs :
- Identify and use open resource in entrepreneurial project,
- Be part of open innovation projects,
- Be connected to the ecosystem
Why open resources :
- Build open bricks,
- Go faster,
- Share resources & development,
- Simplify co-creation without heavy contract,
- Increase your connexion in a large ecosystem,
- Reinvent your business model by focusing on your added value,
- Create standard, increase reutilisation & business
Idea of an Advisory Board :
- Chris Andersen, Phil Tinn, Udacity, Robin Chase, Gael Musquet, Nicolas Le Douarec, Antonin Leonard, Erik Grab, Travel Spirit, InnoZ, Helsinki, Barcelone
- missions : finalise the challenge, participate to the pre/selection, participate to the one-year program
- Car hacker's Handbook
Open Challenge web site[edit | edit source]
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