Awa Bikes

De Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités
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Description en une ligne : Awa Bike is promoting bike-sharing among the young African millennials

Description : The problem: One of the major sources of stress for African millennials is in difficulty to access easy and fast mobility means while living on huge facilities such as Universities, Libraries, and public gatherings.

The solution: In Nigeria Awa Bike is promoting bike-sharing among the young African millennials. The startup employs an android app for basic functionalities such as searching for available bikes, payment, unlocking bikes and locking them after use. Every bike has an identification number which is basically its only form of identification written boldly at the front of their carriages. To find an available bike, one has to simply click on ‘Find a Bike’ in the AWA app which takes you to locations service that identifies all the available bikes around you through their unique numbers. One is able to see how far the nearest available bike is on their phone screen. The user has to simply locate a bike around them, search for its number on the Awa Bike app and book it. Awa Bike is giving Nigerian millennials an easy and incredibly cheap means of commuting around the Universities, Libraries and public gathering.

State of development: With over 100,000 AWA bikes in circulation, the startup is taking the AWA community of like-minds to the rest of Africa through their slogan “help us eliminate pollution, one carbon at a time.”

Funds raised: AWA bikes received undisclosed funds from Ingressive Capital.

Business model: AWA bikes charges $0.055 for 15 minutes and $0.22 per hour. The startup penalizes its users a charge for wrongful parking when they fail to put back the bikes into their lockable station.

Ambition: To expand their vision of a less polluted transport system by adapting to bikes to other African countries.

Within the context of soft mobility in Africa: AWA bikes are not just a bike-sharing initiative, they are a revolution in transportation, extending personal mobility through a network of custom made bicycles that can be checked out at stations. Soft mobility has been made easier, healthy, sustainable, and affordable.

Appreciation: This is a new initiative that should be adopted by other African millennials in Universities. The AWA bikes are easy to use and feature a robust step-through frame, integrated lock, shaft drive, responsive solar lighting, and mobile communications.

Links to know more:

Text prepared by Jerry Rawlings Mbabali

Tags : Movin'On LAB Africa (OMA), bike share, bike sharing

Adhérent FabMob France :

Thème : Africa, Vélo et Mobilités Actives

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Type : Entreprise, Startup

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Communauté(s) d’intérêt : Communauté des acteurs en Afrique

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