
De Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités
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Description en une ligne : Ampersand ambition is to build affordable electric motorbikes and charging systems for the three million motorcycle taxi drivers in East Africa, starting with Rwanda

Description : The problem: The rise in 2-wheeler transport in Africa is attributed to a shortage of organised transport systems and loose regulatory framework. These petrol motorbikes contribute highly to the emission levels and pollution that endangers the environment and humanity. In addition, petrol bikes are very expensive to run and to maintain by the drivers with low income.

The solution: Ampersand ambition is to build affordable electric motorbikes and charging systems for the three million motorcycle taxi drivers in East Africa, starting with Rwanda. By using a battery swap model, they make it cheaper to buy and operate an electric motorcycle than a petrol motorbike. Going electric will double a driver’s income and contribute towards a zero carbon future for Africa.

State of development: Founded in 2016, Ampersand has for two years been carrying out research, trials, and development to ascertain the viability of its initiative in East Africa. Their plan is to get 20-30 of the 'beta' bikes in Kigali in January 2019 and by April they will be piloting their e-motos with real customers. The key objective is to show investors and Government that their e-bikes work and that people will pay for them and switch from petrol bikes.

Funds raised: Ampersand has been able to raise USD 696,000 (grant and equity).

Ambition: Mass market electric mobility to drive Africa forward.

Achievements: Ampersand won a £100,000 grant from DFID under their innovative Frontier Technology Livestreaming programme. The Ampersand CEO, Josh Whale was invited as an expert at the Movin’On mobility summit 2018 in Montreal-Canada.

Within the context of soft mobility/clean mobility in Africa: In Africa today, few innovators address environmental protection through transport. Ampersand is performing trial tests on their electric bikes with to curb down on the high emission levels attributed to the rise of petrol motor-bikes in East Africa.

Appreciation: Ampersand’s ambition of mass market electric mobility to drive a carbon free Africa forward is viable and requires support from the regional Governments. The aim is to protect the environment and reduce costs for the riders in terms of maintenance and petrol charges.

Links to know more:

Text prepared by Jerry Mbabali

Tags : electric-vehicle, Véhicule électrique, Movin'On LAB Africa (OMA), moto

Adhérent FabMob France :

Thème : Africa, Véhicules intermédiaires, Carburants alternatifs

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Date de création : 2016

Pays d’implantation : Rwanda

Villes d’implantation :

Sur la carte :
Chargement de la carte...

Lieu précis d’expérimentation prévu :

Type : Entreprise, Startup

Personnes impliquées :

Référent (contact privilégié) :

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Richesse apportée par l’acteur :

Commun(s) proposé(s) (sous conditions):

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Communauté(s) d’intérêt : Communauté des acteurs en Afrique

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Liste des véhicules portés par Ampersand :

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